Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Grateful Heart

    For the last few months I have been keeping a journal of people, events, and things that I am thankful for.  If you have never tried it, I suggest you keep an open mind.  Now, I wouldn't necessarily call myself a negative person.  I will admit that when the winter gets long and I get less exercise and fresh air than I should, I tend to get cranky.  All those who understand, raise your hand.  What I found in the past was that I focused too much on what I wanted in the future or what I did not have, than on what I was thankful for.  So began my little mood boosting experiment.
    Not so surprising, my positive focus lingered during the days when I wrote in my journal.  My day, as well as the day for my family members, improved in quality.  I felt happier and cared less about what individuals around me thought of me.  And because I was less tense, not clenching my jaw or tightening my neck muscles in frustration, I had fewer headaches.
    Pain, in any form, is not fun.  If writing down and thinking joyful, thankful thoughts helps me have more pain-free days, I better stock up on journals.  I invite you to do the same.


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