Can be used hot or cold
Velcro strap so it stays put
Very soothing
Memory Foam Pillow
I purchased mine from JC Penny
Supports the neck while sleeping
Can be used for side and stomache
sleepers too, in different positions
Eliminated waking up with a
stiff neck
Massaging Shower Head
Mine is from Target
5 settings, from gentle to jet
Soothes sore muscles
Stimulates endorphins for
pain relief
Yes, it is Supposed to be
a Dog Toy
Purchased at PetSmart
Place at the base of
the neck while lying
on a hard surface
Stretches neck and
head muscles
Feels so good on trigger
points under skull
Homedics from BB&B
Heat function for
sore muscles
Helps when I cannot
get a massage from
someone ASAP
Magnesium and Vitamin D
Two supplements recommended
highly by my Neurologist
for helping chronic headaches
Consult your doctor when unsure
about supplements
These are a few of my favorite things!
I hope you find as much relief from
them as I do!
Another idea similar to the dog toy for relieving pressure points is to buy 2 tennis balls, and cut one leg off of an old pair of nylons, and tie a hold in the end. Place one tennis ball on either side of your spine while you lay on the floor, starting with your lower back muscles, and slowly moving your way up the spinal muscles. Your body weight and gravity will help relax the trigger points :)